Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Three Lower Realms

The three lower realms of the six realms

Four types of hell beings:.

1) Beings in the Great Hells.

There are eights types of existences in the Great Hells.
1.1) Reviving Hell
1.2) Black Line Hell
1.3) Mass Destruction Hell
1.4) Wailing Hell
1.5) Loud Wailing Hell
1.6) Hot Hell
1.7) Intensely Hot Hell
1.8) Unceasing Torment Hell

2) Beings in the Surrounding Hells

Around each of the eight Great Hells are the following Surrounding Hells.
2.1) Pit of Fiery Embers
2.2) The Putrid Swamp
2.3) The Razor-filled Path
2.4) The Forest of Sword-leaf Trees
2.5) The Shalmali Tree
2.6) The Burning-liquid River

3) Beings in the Cold Hells.

Existences in the Cold Hells are of eight types:
3.1) Blistering Hell
3.2) Bursting Blister Hell
3.3) Chattering Teeth Hell
3.4) Exclamation of Cold Hell
3.5) Moaning Hell
3.6) Cracking like an Upala Hell
3.7) Cracking like a Lotus Hell
3.8) Great Cracking like a Lotus Hell.

4) Beings in the Occasional Hells.

The Occasional Hells are suffering situations that are sometimes experienced in the human realm. These situations resemble a hell realm, for example being consumed by volcanic fires or frozen in ice. Those caught in car accidents, in which the cars burst into flames, experience suffering similar to the beings in the Wailing Hell. Beings crushed in a earthquake experience suffering similar to the Mass Destruction Hell. During wars there are many environments that could considered Occasional Hells. They are called Occasional Hells because the environments do not remain as hell forever, but may change according to a person's karma. (#4)

B) Hungry Ghost Realm.

The cause of rebirth here: Very misery.

There are six kinds of suffering that hungry ghosts experiences:
1. Intense heat.
2. Intense cold.
3. Intense hunger.
4. Intense thirst.
5. Great fatigue.
6. Great fear.

Note: hungry ghosts have greater mental capacity than animals. Some are very powerful, some can see the future, some even have miracle powers and contaminated clairvoyance with which they help or harm human beings, and some can understand dharma if it is explained to them. However they all have greater degree of suffering than animals. Hungry ghosts can see human food from a distance, but when they approach it is disappears and they have to experience the anguish of disappointment. The only way that they can actually obtain human food is by its being especially dedicated for them. While they search for food they experience constant anxiety, fearing that any food or drink they see will be snatched away from them before they can lay hold of it. see also (#2)

C. Animal realms.

The cause of reborn here: abandoning the Dharma, being disrespectful to the Dharma and its propounder, or criticising other spiritual practitioners. (#3)

The five general suffering:
1.Suffering from being eaten by each other.
2. Suffering from being stupid and ignorant.
3 Suffering from being hot and cold
4. Suffering from being hungry and thirsty.
5. Suffering from being exploited for work.

#2: Liberation in the palm of your hand. page. 338-345.
#3. Path to Enlightenment in Tibetan Buddhism. page 269.
#4. Path to Enligtenment in Tibetan Buddhism. page 258-265.

Monday, 12 July 2010




佛教与佛法在这个21世纪已渐渐处于末法时代了。为什么这么说? 因为在末法之前佛教有正法和像法之说。释迦世尊住世的时代,称为正法;世尊涅盘之后,称为像法,此时,只有形像做为代表;再过一段时间之后,称为末法。

换句话说, 正法在这个21世纪已经久不存在了;释迦世尊涅盘前曾经说过:“ 见我像如见本尊”,说明了像法时代,咱们现在都很容易看见每间佛寺都供奉释迦世尊的佛像或画像。在马来西亚就有佛光山东禅寺仍然有法师续佛陀的宗旨广扬佛法。

那么何谓末法时代呢?举个例子,马来西亚佛光山东禅寺的宏伟建筑物仍然保留着,但佛寺里(大雄宝殿吧?)再也没有法师为信徒们谈佛论道了; 信仰佛教的人数渐渐稀少,修行的人更少,更不用说修行而证圣道的人吧!信徒只会到庙宇佛寺里点香膜拜,遇到苦难就求签为示。不久后佛门的五毒八戒 “杀、盗、淫、妄、酒、贪、嗔、痴、慢、疑” 将会泛滥于人间道。到最后佛法也就被世间的邪说和物欲所淹没,纵然尚有佛经存在,也没有人去信受奉行。用心一看,咱们可以很肯定的是,像法已渐渐衰退,就在马来西亚和新加坡,还有多少间佛寺庙宇有法师们为信徒举办佛会呢?


咱们都知道何为六道,故为三善道和三恶道。三善道为天、人、阿修罗; 三恶道为畜生、饿鬼、地狱。三恶道不足为谈,只有恶性之人才会要享受什么是三恶道之苦!天道乃为天神与众道家神仙,他们也处于轮回之道,一旦他们的余德享尽,他们就会轮回到世间,回到人间道,但可以肯定的是他们将会轮回到好的家户,以他们在天道所修之行,继续为人间道创造福田,自我修行,广扬佛法, 望日后能脱离轮回之道,修道成佛。

弟子其实不赞同阿修罗道为三善道。为什么呢?那么让小弟先介绍谁是阿修罗?阿修罗,说它是天神,却没有天神的善行,和鬼蜮有相似之处。说它是鬼蜮,可它具有神的威力神通。说它是人,虽有人的七情六欲,但又具有天神、鬼蜮的威力恶性。因此,它是一种非神、非鬼、非人,介于神、鬼、人之间的怪物 。男阿修罗于各道中,常常兴风做浪,好勇斗狠,于诸天中,不时攻打天王,以谋夺位。 女阿修罗貌美,时常迷惑众生,使难修行。故此阿修罗虽然不用受苦,但死后堕落三恶道机会甚大,故渐列之为恶道。北传佛教列阿修罗道为三善道但南传佛教列阿修罗道为第四恶道,阿修罗本性因常带有嗔恨之心,执著争斗之意志,终非真正的善类。

那么最为有智慧的,莫过于人间道了! 就是现在的你和我。人之初,性本善。 但在这个红尘里,咱们往往被“喜、怒、哀、乐、爱、恶、欲,色、声、香、味、触、法”给蒙蔽了,再加上五毒八戒!更糟糕!人们所寻找的快乐与幸福都只不过是短暂的,钱财也是过眼云烟,每个人都是拥有同样的结局,都是死。路,到最终,还是你一个人得走的,没有人能代替了你!既然知道了六道众生苦的原因后,我们就会升起出离心,因为娑婆世界里找不到永恒的快乐,以出离心来作为修学佛法的基础,那最后我们会得到永恒的快乐。


小弟也想说,今天您能听闻佛法,代表您与佛法之缘已到,借助这个机会去领悟其妙法。当一个人还有很深重的孽障时,您是无法接近佛法的。为什么呢?听闻佛法,学习佛法,将会化解人的孽障 (更好的词为平衡)。 假如我就是您的孽障小魔,您会觉得我会这么轻易的让您去掉我吗?所以人们都往往被世间的琐碎的事情(开会啦,与朋友有约啦,旅行啦,工作很忙啦,逛百货市场啦,等等类似的种种借口 – 称为孽障小魔),耽误了或错过了学佛的良机!

让小弟与众分享佛法的小小窍门,咱们都知道,人之将死,(不要以为小弟会说“其言也善”哈哈哈),心里终会出现莫名的恐惧感。 如果他含此恐惧感而逝世,很肯定地他将会很难在轮回到善道。那么如果谁有面临亲人朋友将于世隔绝的时刻,多劝导他们把心境放开,想着快乐美满的时刻,不要再为儿子,家产,埋怨,憎恨等问题,一直耿耿于怀 ,让平静的心境陪伴他而终吧!“八念之念死”!

因此,希望众生在佛法还住世的时代,众生还愿意接受佛法而信仰的阶段,要赶快与佛法结缘,为自己, 为所爱的人,种下佛愿与福田。嗡嘛呢呗咪吽。